Penis Problems: Retrograde Ejaculation
Although ejaculation can be a bit messy, most men are happy to experience a clean-up issue in order to enjoy the orgasmic feeling that typically accompanies the release of semen. For some men, however, there may not be a lot of mess to clean up. When this is because he is having an ejaculation fast upon the heels of another, it's not a penis health concern. But sometimes it does fall into the realm of penis problems; for example, when little semen is spurting forth due to retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation When men begin to masturbate, many often become slightly obsessed with seeing how far they can "shoot" their semen. They also may like to mentally keep track of the quantity of semen they produce as well. It's all part of being a guy. read also : Men and Sperm Health But when a man has retrograde ejaculation, he finds himself in a position where his quantity (and often his trajectory) has been seriously impacted. That's by no means to say tha...